"If history were taught in the
form of stories, it would
never be forgotten."
~ Rudyard Kipling
"I may not remember what you said,
I may not remember what you did,
but I will remember
how you made me feel."
~ Maya Angelou
"If I had asked my
customers what
they wanted,
they would have
said a faster horse."
~ Henry Ford
"Of all of our inventions
for mass communication,
pictures still speak the
most universally
understood language."
~ Walt Disney
"Of all of our inventions
for mass communication,
pictures still speak the
most universally
understood language."
~ Walt Disney
"In order to be irreplaceable
one must always be different."
~ Coco Chanel
"Authenticity is
the most attractive garment
you could ever wear."
- Anonymous
"Simplicity is the
ultimate sophistication"
~ Leonardo da Vinci